Maruti Suzuki, India's number one car-maker, unveiled the all-new K12M engine for its soon-to-be-launched hatchback Ritz. The K12M is BS-IV compliant engine. This is the first time that a BS-IV compliant engine will power any Passenger car in the country. This new 1197cc all aluminum engine is the second in the Kseries and retains the technological superiority and fuel efficiency of the K10B engine which powers Maruti Suzuki A-star.
Unveiling the new engine Mr. Shinzo Nakanishi, Managing Director & CEO, Maruti Suzuki, said, "K12M engine is another example of Maruti Suzuki's commitment to take engine technology in India to the next level. This is in line with parent company, Suzuki Motor Corporation's focus on maximizing the environmental benefits of fully proven technologies. For this, Suzuki is fully exploiting the know-how gained in over 50 years of compact-car production. K-series engine is the latest innovation coming from this focus. K series engines are not just fuel efficient but also low on CO2 emissions. The K12M engine further strengthens Maruti Suzuki¿s efforts for fuel efficient, green engine technology for customers in India."
The K12M engine is being manufactured in Maruti Suzuki's brand new state-of the-art engine manufacturing facility inside its Gurgaon plant, which was inaugurated last year with the launch of A-star's K10B engine.
salient features of new K12M are:
* All Aluminum low-weight engine with best-in-class fuel efficiency
* Innovative Rocker-less DOHC cam shaft, Plastic Intake Manifold and Offset Crank shaft with low tension Rings to reduce losses and improve fuel efficiency.
* Smart Distributor Less Ignition (SDLI) system with dedicated plug top coils, High pressure Fuel system and Advanced Injectors for superior atomization to provide uniform and optimized combustion for better performance
* Optimized Cylinder block, Light Piston and Nut-less Con Rod for light weight configuration
* Improved engine stiffness and use of advanced technology like silent timing chain to improve NVH characteristics
* Higher Grade Engine Oil: Improves first changeover time from 1,000 Km to 10,000 Km
* Increased Spark Plug Life: Spark Plug change over time has been changed from current 20,000 Km to 40,000 Km
* Silent Timing Chain: Longer life in comparison to conventional Belt Design
* Valve Clearance Adjustment: Due to Tappet Design, Valve clearance re-adjustment frequency has been reduced.
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